During the 1st half of the year

gucci outlet online store, Shanghai, Aug 1- The Research Institute of the Construction Bank of China (CBC) recentlypublished a report approximately the prospect of Chinese finance manufactureduring the second half of this year. The report predicts that in the latterhalf of the year gucci women sandals, Excessive liquidity problem willcontinue. In light of this Gucci belts for men, the possibilities might no beexcluded that the central bank might beyond raise the interest rates and therequired reserved ratio. Such fathom might probably bring an end to ... duringthe fourth quarter. The report further predicts that Chinese stock market willkick fashionable highs during this duration, the Shanghai Securities Journalreported.

During the 1st half of the year, the central administrationraised the required reserved ratio 6 times. As a outcome, about 850 billionyuan were returned. In addition, the central bank raised the interest ratetwice and issued the central bank memoranda with a total worth of 2.64 trillionyuan. Despite this, the report says Guccishoes, superfluous liquidity problem still exists and therenamely exuberant money afford in the market.

The report predicts that during the second half of theyear, especially during the fourth quarter GucciJewelry, the central bank might probably raise the amuse rateafresh. It might likewise raise the required reserved percentage . At the sameperiod, the deposit acquisitions tax might be annihilated completely.

The report predicts that excessive liquidity willcontinue to exist during the second half of the year. The yuan appreciationprocess will accelerate. Meanwhile , There will be fiercer rivalry within banksfor the same types of service productions they offer. More regulatory measureswill be taken apt control the real possession market.

CBC's research institute predicts that China's GDPgrowth as the entire year ambition reach 11.5%. 

Par wenhui le samedi 18 juin 2011


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